Application Download

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Records Keeper

Application Overview

This application is designed to securely protect your personal records and to centralize all your multiple accounts with their various passwords. You will only need one password to access all your usernames and passwords that you setup at various account sites. When using records keeper, you are well assured that no one gets into your personal files, because all your information is stored on your personal computer. Moreover, this is not an internet base application, so you do have to worry about someone out there getting into your business. All your work is private to you, and you are alone. Even your password to records keeper has been encrypted for your safety, we don’t take chances even on your personal computer.

Installation Instructions
  • Extract the .zip file into a temporary location on your computer.
  • Navigate the extracted folder to setup.exe file.
  • Double click on the setup.exe to start the installation.
  • The application will be ready for use immediately after installation is done.
  • First time user will need to create login credentials to gain access and usage.

Application Screens